Monday, June 8, 2009

ya RIGHT!!!!!

I wish you were reading the happy fun post I am suppose to be publishing right now, but instead you will get something different. As Ivy is taking her daily nap, I am trying to enjoy a little alone time and decide to organize and add the pics on my external hd, I go and plug it in and CLICK CLICK!!! It is not booting correctly and is my computer is not recognizing. Seriously I am letting my frustrations out on my computer so that I don't commit suicide. Okay I really shouldn't talk like that, but this is the 2nd time this has happened in 6 months! I want to curl up in a ball and KICK!!!!!! HARD!!! What is the deal with these things! I feel like I cannot trust anything anymore. To make the matter worse, johnny got me a new comp and I haven't gotten around to backing my lovely pictures up in another place besides my little faulty ex hard rive!! Kill me now. What to do? I feel like my life is trapped up in this little black box. Someone help! I really do not want to pay a couple grand to get my files recovered, I just want things to work the way they should. I have guarded this thing with my freaking life. Nothing has happened to it at. all. If anyone has any advice on what to do or things to try I would love it. Here is my face right now: my "ammon face" (as johhny would call it) Apparently we look like twinners when I make this face. pretty cute eh? And my " I am going to kill someone" face:)

And here is an attempt at making myself happy again. oh photo booth how I love you:)


Anonymous said...

you are so funny. Blogs are great to get out all the frustration. that sucks!

Tam Tam said...

So they're both macs right? You should be able to just hook a firewire cable from your old one to your new one and be able to access the files that way (even if it's being stupid) and transfer them to the new comp. I was able to save my files when mine crashed the last time. Good luck!

Kippy said...

thank you for making me laugh really really hard!! and you know i would be of NO help with the computer stuff. i'll call you in the morn!

Ashley said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. that was awesome.

missy said...

oh no. I'm really sorry.

The Elders said...

hahahahahahahaha i don't even have words!

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