A couple things about our little beck at 4 months...
-such a mellow little guy..hardly ever cries. seriously.
- Has mastered rolling over, goes back and forth between his tummy and back all day long!
-just discovered his feet and LOVES them! He is always holding them. The other day he fell asleep holding his foot next to his face:)
- Sucks on his big toe like a thumb!
- Cat napper- loves to take 20-30 min naps throughout the day.
- is down to one feeding during the night:)
-still sleeps in his mommy and daddy's room:)
- smiles all day long, but it takes a LOT of effort to make him laugh. We have only heard him giggle a couple times, its almost impossible!
-babbles pure boy noises all day long..so funny!
- was just diagnosed with eczema:( that awful curse would come from ME! Sorry becky boy:(
- has a gazillion nick names. becky beck, becky boy, beckster, beckers, becks, the list goes on. Ivy's new nickname for him is "little bumble bee." She is pretty proud of her name for him and thinks it is the cutest thing ever.
We love this little guy to pieces!