Friday, June 26, 2009


Here are some recent pics that I needed to get blogged away. some are from our anniversary..we went to ruths chris at 10:00pm, and that was about it:)What are you suppose to do with a job like this. haha! the other pics are from a girls day out in georgetown in DC. Gosh that place in awesome. We had such a good time eating and shopping. Cant wait to go back...especially to do a photoshoot of ivy. So many cool buildings and textures!


Emily said...

Love Georgetown. Looks like fun! And, happy anniversary. Your tummy picture is way cute!

Melanie said...

Clarks feeling better! Lets play! We might be going to the lake today, but ill call and see what your plans are.

Robbie said...

Mmmm.... I love Ruth's Chris!!! Sounds like things are going good for you guys :) Hope to see you guys one of these days, it's been too long!!!

Jamie said...

Your belly is so cute! And I love Georgetown...if you want great pizza go to 2Amys.

Natalie {Parade of the Day} said...

I love the baby bump! So cute!

Chris and Christy said...

cute pics Ames! love the belly shot, so cute :)

Anonymous said...

yay! the pics... I'm going to steal these:) poor sarah!!!

The Petersons said...

Yes, kelly is right...poor Sarah. Wow! I'm not looking too hot in those all! Oh well, it was still a fun trip. We should all do it again soon! Georgetown cupcakes sound yummy!

The Petersons said...
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angela hardison said...

Your tummy is adorable.

Jeni said...

Yes, I still am in love with each n every photo ya took! You're permanently hired as my P.P. (personal photographer that is!) :-) Georgetown looked sooo fun, sad we missed out! Hope you're having a blast on your vacation and we can't wait till you and your ever so cute belly get back!

Zachary, Christen, and Chloe said...

Amy you are looking so cute pregnant!! I love your pictures too. You are such a great photographer!

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