Did I mention that we have been living in ca for most of the winter? Oh of course I didnt, I haven't updated in months.duh. Well anyway, we have been out here since christmas minus a few weeks so that johnny can train with his partner in san diego. It has been soooo nice. I am glad we got at least got to skip out on at least one winter bc we will have many more utah winters to endure in years to come.The kids have loved playing outside everyday. It is seriously really sad to me that half of our life gets cut out due to the cold winters in utah, so we'll enjoy it while we can:) Cant wait for summer!!!

can those faces get any cuter!!?

Beck has been to disneyland around 10 times, but this was beck's first time trying out the swings st the park and he obviously loooved it. He pretty much laughed the whole time. I love watching all of his firsts:)

I think they are starting to look alike! What do you thing=k!?

Ivy changes her outfit atleast 3 times a day. 2 of those outfits are usually something frilly or something of the princess sort.

this kid is obsessed with everything ball. HE LOVES THEM MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF.

beck looooves bella. He yells her name all day long. It is hilarious. Oh no, we've got another dog lover in the fam. I am totally out numbered!

i have no idea how she has become such a poser! oh wait..yes I do, she is a clone of me at that age.

what the heck beck! You are 1 years old, pretty sure you are not allowed to razor until you are at least 3! This baby of ours is trying to jump the gun.