Hello again! Its been a while! We had been really busy up until recently. We sort of moved out of our house but not really. Johnny's sis and my cousin (who are married) moved into our place in provo. It is an ideal situation bc they dont have any furniture so we were able to leave all of our stuff there. It just involved me packing up all our stuff that went to b-more and then moving all of our stuff that we didn't need for the summer into different places to make room for their stuff. I am sooooooooooo glad that we did not have to move, but for some reason it still took a long time. whatever. So 2 days ago, Johnny and his bro Jeremy took off to baltimore while Ivy, Ash and I jetted off to AZ! We will join him in a couple days, and I cannot wait! I am seriously sooooo excited. Johnny said that our place and the town we will live in is freakin awesome!! Anyway back to az... we are already having so much fun here soaking up the sun! Every time I come home, I hate Utah more and more... I really need to change my attitude, but I think that it may be the fact that we live there in the worst time of the year ever! We miss spring and summer, which is beautiful. Anyway, since I havent busted out my camera yet, here are a couple pics from a few weeks ago of the miss. She is at the most hilarious stage right now, she says the funniest things ever... seriously you would die if you could spend 5 minutes with her.